No other Alternative but Election in Ukraine

Yushchenko again rebuffed Yanukhovych’s offer to bring electoral corruptions before the court, stating that a quick solution to the election crises was more important. Otherwise, he added, he and his supporters willt ake action.

They agreed on refusing violence

Yushchenko and Yanukovych assured Kuchma that they would refuse any resort to violence. Kuchma, who held a press conference after the three hour discussions, announced that a separate group would solve the crisis.

The EU’s High Representative for the Common and Foreign Security Policy, Javier Solana, reminded the Ukrainian administration that the relationship between the Ukraine and the EU depended on the democratic reformation of the country.

"We want to develop a rooted relationship with Ukraine; however qualification of the relationship will depend on the Ukraine’s democratic life," said Solana. He added that both parties agreed upon the continuation of the demonstrations, provided they were peaceful. Both parties reportedly discussed the possibility of repeating the elections.

Beside Yushchenko, Yanukovych, and Solana, Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski, Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus, Russian Duma President Boris Gryzlov, and President of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Jan Kubis attended the negotiations.