
UNICEF Türkiye Humanitarian Situation Report No. 11 (Earthquake), 26 April – 2 May 2023 – Türkiye



  • Around 2.4 million people are living in formal sites and informal settlements (1.6 million people in informal settlements and nearly 800,000 in formal sites). The key needs in informal sites continue to be access to adequate water and sanitation, information on available services and social protection schemes. Limited support for people with disabilities, like accessible facilities, is a key concern.

  • UNICEF has cumulatively reached 234,220 children and caregivers with mental health and psychosocial support and psychological first aid; this includes 228,140 children and caregivers reached with through the trained social workers of the Ministry of Family and Social Services and through Non-Government Organization partners, as well as 6,080 children/adolescents reached through the trained teachers and guidance counsellors of Ministry of National Education.

  • Cumulatively, 332,587 children are still accessing formal or non-formal education, including early learning, through UNICEF-supported systemstrengthening and programmes.

  • During the reporting period, a second batch of 200,000 doses of Measles, Mumps and Rubella, vaccines arrived and were handed over to the Ministry of Health, bringing a total of 400,000 doses delivered by UNICEF to cover 340,000 earthquake affected children.

  • UNICEF is leading the WASH sector group. Cumulatively, WASH sector partners have reached 2.4 million people with assistance. Main highlights include the delivery of over 2.8 million litres of potable water for drinking and personal hygiene use and over 3.4million litres of water for sanitation purposes, and provision of hygiene kits to 654,689 households.

  • UNICEF has a funding gap of over US$ 87 million (45%) against a funding requirement of US$ 196 million. While there are needs across all sectors, the humanitarian cash transfer intervention is the most significantly underfunded.

Situation in Numbers

9.1 million People in Need
2.5 million Children in Need
3 million People Targeted by UNICEF
1.5 million Children Targeted by UNICEF

Funding Overview and Partnerships

Under the UNICEF Türkiye Earthquake Response Humanitarian Action for Children 2023 (HAC) UNICEF urgently requires US$196 million to reach 3 million people, including 1.5 million children who have been affected by the 6 February earthquakes. There remains a significant funding gap of 45 percent. UNICEF is grateful for the quick reprogramming and generous new contributions from the United States Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), United States Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BPRM), the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), European Union, including European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), Government of Norway, the Government of Sweden (SIDA), the Government of the United Kingdom, the Government of Canada, the Government of Kuwait (forthcoming) , UNICEF COs with Private Sector Fundraising (PSFR) operations and the UNICEF national committees3 for Australia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Ireland, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland Türkiye, United Arab Emirates (UAE), UK, Uruguay, and US; all of which have enabled immediate provision of critical supplies and services to children and families affected by the earthquake. Given the urgency to respond, UNICEF has also leveraged its Emergency Programme Fund (EPF) and global humanitarian thematic funds, to expedite the delivery of critical services and supplies to people in need. Additional allocations of flexible contributions are urgently required to enable UNICEF to complement the Government-led response and promptly respond to current humanitarian needs. While needs remain across all sectors, the humanitarian cash transfer intervention is the most significantly underfunded.

Under the leadership of the Government of Türkiye and within the interagency framework for the earthquake response, UNICEF is working with key humanitarian partners – Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), through established interagency mechanisms. Cooperation is ongoing with the Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), Presidency of Migration Management (PMM) and key ministries including the Ministry of Family and Social Services (MoFSS), Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Ministry of National Education (MoNE), Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS), and Ministry of Health (MoH).

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