Turkey to send aid to Tal Afar

The assistance, including food and medical supplies, will be dispatched within the next few days, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Namik Tan told a press briefing in Ankara.
“We decided to deliver urgent humanitarian aid to Tal Afar, which will be sent by Turkish Red Crescent via Habur border crossing,” Tan said.
“The convoy will comprise two ambulances, three communication lorries and a vehicle for personnel and will carry foodstuff, tents, blankets and drinking water,” Tan said. “The first portion of aid will include 450 tents, 3000 blankets, foodstuff and water enough for 5000 people.”
Tal Afar has been the scene of heavy fighting in the past week, as US-led coalition forces have conducted repeated strikes in the region at what has been claimed to be terrorist targets. However, Ankara has been deeply concerned that the attacks are also causing heavy causalities among the Turkmen community, which has ethnic ties to Turkey.
Turkey has also been worried that the military operations will allow Northern Iraqi Kurds to gain control of the city, something Turkey has said it would strongly oppose.
Tal Afar is a Turkmen city, Tan said and thus it was obvious who will take charge the control of the city and assure security
The administration in the city was in the hands of Turkmens, he said.