Turkey Backs Azerbaijan’s Karabag Initiative

According to the formula, if Armenia were to withdraw from five of the seven regions it currently occupies, Azerbaijan would reopen the railway network between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"Turkey is a great country for me. It is the motherland for all of us," said Aliyev. "Turkey has always supported us in hard times. We feel this support during our difficulties. Our unity is our power. That was my father’s policy and we will remain loyal to this policy."

In return, Sezer said, "Our friendship and brotherhood is reinforced every day thorough the strength taken from rooted affection and solidarity."

Turkey announced that it would show flexibility about reopening its Armenian border if Armenia took steps to solve the map issue. Ankara suggested a round table meeting for the Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers.

Later on, during a meeting of the two leaders, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline was thoroughly discussed. The parties also signed a joint political declaration to improve civil aviation, cultural and customs cooperation. They also pledged to take steps to preserve industrial property.