Shiite Turkmen: Turkey has Neglected us

Haji Abu-Eyyub, northern Iraq representative of the Shiite Bedr Brigades told Zaman that they felt completely forgotten. Asserting that 55 percent of Turkmen in Kirkuk, 100 percent in Tuz Hurmati and 60 percent in Telafer were Shiites, Abu-Eyyub stresses that Kurds, who want to include Kirkuk into their borders, face nothing but a big risk with such an attempt.

Abu-Eyyub says they have received information that Kurds have been bringing people from other cities to alter the demographic structure of the city, but they will never be able to prove that. He also says the Kurds claim that Turkmen political parties have been receiving aid and directives from Turkey, which he denies, "If we had received any help from Tehran or Ankara, we would be in a more powerful position today." The Shiite Turkmen leader stressed that Turkey has neglected them: "We went to Turkey with Abdulaziz Al-Hekim last year. We wanted Turkey to support us. They said okay, but we have received no support so far. We are completely forgotten." When asked whether or not they will object to the elections, Abu-Eyyub replied that they do not know whom and how to officially apply because of the lack of official and correct information about the ethnic distribution in Iraq. "We do not want Kirkuk to be included in anyone’s borders. This city is the common city of all. This was a Turkmen city. Both Suleymaniye and Arbil were also Turkmen cities before," said the Shiite Turkmen leader and added: "We have to look at the current situation now. This city should be under no one’s control due to its strategic structure. If Kurds want to include this city into their borders, they will face serious trouble. This city cannot be included in Kurdistan. This city belongs to Iraq." The Shiite Turkmen leader expresses that the problem in Kirkuk can be solved not by Turkey or the US, but only by the Iraqis.