Post Distribution Monitoring Survey Kızılay ESEN Card (February 2024) – Türkiye
Chapter 1: Introduction
This Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) was carried out to assess the impact of Kızılay ESEN assistance on the socioeconomic conditions of recipients, with a particular focus on their level of expenditure, debt, coping strategies, and food consumption. This cash assistance aims to support and empower households impacted by the earthquake to address their most important needs with the freedom of choice and dignity.
The targeted households were identified based on vulnerability, programme selection criteria introduced in November 2023, namely, no registry of regular work in SGK database and retirees whose monthly income per person in the household is less than 1/3 of the minimum wage. Information was conveyed to participants who were notified via SMS about eligibility, and entitlement. The 168 Kızılay Call Centre remained operational to address inquiries about the Project, allowing targeted populations to access information, report issues, file complaints or provide any feedback related to the assistance.
It is important to note that this PDM was conducted with recipients who met the new eligibility criteria introduced in November 2023. Thus, it serves as both a PDM study and a baseline study for the recipients who continued to receive MPC assistance from November 2023 onwards under the new criteria.
The data collection was conducted in November 2023. The unit of analysis is household. Sample size for the Kızılay ESEN Card recipients was calculated at a 95 per cent confidence level and 5 per cent margin of error. PDM study captured responses from 395 Kızılay ESEN Card recipients. As part of programme criteria, all of the participants were earthquake-affected. Enumerators from 168 Kızılay Call Centre collected the data over the phone.
This report presents the main findings of the post-distribution monitoring exercise to support evidence-based decision-making and ensure the intended assistance reaches the most vulnerable.