
Opinion | Erdogan’s Turkey Doesn’t Belong in the EU

The European Commission on Nov. 8 issued its annual report on states wanting to join the European Union. The report criticizes the regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for disregarding human rights, increasing ties with Vladimir Putin’s Russia and restricting freedom of expression. The commission takes particular aim at Turkey’s stance on Israel: “Its rhetoric” in support of Hamas “is in complete disagreement with the EU approach.”

The EU, like the U.S., has long held delusions about Mr. Erdogan’s views and intentions. Yet for anyone paying attention, his latest inflammatory comments—that “Hamas is not a terrorist organization but a liberation group”—are no surprise. Throughout his 20-year tenure as leader of Turkey, he has spread radical Islam, crushed political opposition and helped Russia, Iran and Qatar destabilize the Middle East. By now we should know that Mr. Erdogan is a wolf in wolf’s clothing.

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