Maintain Your Marble Tiles with These Tips

It is important to remember that marble stones have slightly unstable chemical mixture and it quite delicate. The main ingredient of marble is claim carbonate. It immediately and dramatically reacts with any kind of acid which can result in pitting and scarring.

One of the best way to maintain a marble tile’s overall clean and appealing look is to clean it with lukewarm, quite hot water, soft cloth and an occasional wiping down it with milder, non-abrasive industrial detergents. The tile should be thoroughly wiped dry after cleaning.

You can also prefer to apply light coat of wax for maximum protection, but this is an optional choice since marbled will not gain further luster from wax unlike wood does. Cleaning the marble tiles is relatively easier but it is always important that you know what you are dealing with.

Marble tile is a gorgeous material and no natural or man-made component can be compare with the luxurious design and stature. This tile is a stone, but definitely not as dense or hard as granite. it can wear long and last forever but because it is porous and sensitive to acidic substances such as juice, wine and coffee it can easily get stain, etch or dull the polish rather easily even when sealed.

The idea of putting marble tile to your kitchen or on heavily used area would not be a good idea. The best use for marble tiles is for powder baths, table tops, tub surrounds, marble shower, floor tile and stone fireplace surrounding. Cleaning these tiles property is so simple but it always an essential part for maintaining your countertops and floor tile in top condition.

Now there are more and more people who are installing marble tiles in their kitchen, bathroom and pathways and the demand on cleaning products for these material marble stones are growing. To keep your tiles always sparkling and tiptop condition, be sure to make it dust and dirt free.

You can clean these tiles but sweeping the floor often with soft bristled broom or using a vacuum cleaner to pick up much loose dirt. If you cannot do this every day, then you can do it for two or three times a week.

The beauty of the marble tiles can fade with the passage of time. But this does not necessarily detract much from its innate and equally elegant beauty.

Ella Ayson
Marble Tiles

marble tiles
Marble Tiles