
Freestyle wrestling team of Kyrgyzstan takes 2nd place of tournament in Turkey

Freestyle wrestling team of Kyrgyzstan takes 2nd place of tournament in Turkey

Freestyle wrestling team of Kyrgyzstan takes 2nd place of tournament in Turkey

AKIPRESS.COM – The freestyle wrestling team of Kyrgyzstan took 2nd place at the Yasar Dogu, Vehbe Emre & Hamit Kaplan tournament in Antalya, Turkey, on March 7-10.

The freestyle wrestling competition offered 10 sets of medals, for which 15 athletes from Kyrgyzstan competed.

Kyrgyzstanis won 7 medals (3 gold and 4 bronze) and scored 111 points, taking second place in the team competition.

The Turkish team (115) won the 1st place, and the team of Iran (108) the 2nd place.

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