Europe Sends Bush Double Warning on Iraq

French President Jacques Chirac, known for his opposition to the war in Iraq, said yesterday that the war has inflamed terror in the world. German Chancellor Gerhard Schröeder also expressed his disbelief that security in Iraq can be established by increasing the number of military forces in Iraq. In a statement to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), Chirac said: "To a certain extent, Saddam Hussein’s departure was a positive thing," when asked if Bush has made the world safer. Chirac went on to say, "But it also provoked reactions, such as the mobilization in a number of countries, of men and women of Islam, which has made the world more dangerous."

Meanwhile, Schröeder spoke to the German weekly Die Zeit and indicated that security in Iraq cannot be established with additional troops regardless of their country of origin. He added: "Holding elections, forming a legal government, and completely turning over the administration to Iraqis will provide additional security." When asked for his assessment of the US military force, the Chancellor said he hoped the idea will grow that although wars can be won alone, peace cannot be established alone.