AI: End War Crimes in Iraq

The organization released a written statement saying the latest information from Fallujah creates profound concerns about serious violations of international laws to protect both civilians and soldiers who are unable to fight in the city." Images of US soldiers entering a mosque with five wounded Iraqis injured in battle the day before were broadcast on American National Broadcasting Company (NBC) television followed by images of one of the marines shooting one of the wounded Iraqis. AI says the wounded Iraqi man who was shot was unarmed and the fate of the other four wounded Iraqis in the mosque is still unclear. The AI statement says US authorities withdrew one soldier from the combat zone and would start an investigation into the incident, but that emergency measures must be taken in order to stop further violations in Iraq.

Grant permission for aid to Fallujah

AI also wants emergency measures to be taken to address the "horrible situation" in Fallujah. The organization says the city faces a lack of water and electricity and that wounded people not evacuated from the city lacked medical care. Meanwhile, although the Iraqi Red Crescent has succeeded in reaching a hospital outside the city, Iraqi authorities are still not allowing humanitarian aid to enter the city.