Cyprus: De Soto should correct his mistake

In response to a question, Eroglu said that Cyprus special envoy Alvaro De Soto had stated that he was wrong in his estimation regarding the “number of the people to return to the north. Eroglu said that the Annan Plan has no basis to reach an agreement.”

Stating that De Soto has to accept that he has made a mistake, Eroglu said, “De Soto acted without knowing the Southern Cyprus Management’s and the church’s recent aims in Cyprus.” Eroglu said that the Turkish Cypriots know the Greeks’ real aims and for this reason they reject signing the Annan Plan.

“We were sure that the Greek Cypriots would return to the Northern Cyprus of condition of reaching an agreement on the basis of the Annan Plan. We told for many times that it’s not possible for us to sign a document, which would make two thirds of our own people immigrants.
Stating that the new agreement, accepted by the two sides, is tit-for-tat, Eroglu said a document prepared only according to the Greek side’s demands is a mistake.

“De Soto should see the realities and accept them. The only thing he has to do is to accept that he has made a mistake and say that he is going to correct it.”