Celik sheds light on Armenian ‘genocide’ in journal

Celik’s article in the journal, titled "The Armenian incidents around Van and its surrondings by witnesses in 1915", points out that among the non-Muslims Armenians were the ones who benefited most from the opportunities and possibilites ensured by the Ottoman State for those citizens who worked hard, were honest and successful.

Noting that there were many top officials and executives among Armenians in those times, Celik stated that Armenians were moved away from the Turkish nation regarding social, cultural, trading, religious and politics when the Ottoman State weakened and colonial powers sent provacators especially undercover of religious persons.

Celik said thousands of Turks and Armenians lost their lives in the Armenian rebellions that started in Eastern Anatolia and stretched to Istanbul, and stressed that the Ottoman State had to take a sending and settling decision for the safety of the military and the supply roads on May 27, 1915.

This agreement that the Ottoman State had to take under war conditions were claimed as genocide by the Armenians and they wanted the whole world to accept it, said Celik.

"What we acquire from the witnesses is that Armenians had a desire to establish an independent state in the East and they saw all means including terror legitimate for this. If Ottomans had any intention to commit genocide on Armenians it would have done it during the time of Suleyman the Magnificent. People destroy their enemies when they are most powerful not when they are most weak," said Celik.

Celik said, "It is worth it if laying out the sufferings in history will serve for peace and friendship."