
Azerbaijan sharply increases its purchase of tomatoes from Turkiye

Nigar Hasanova

Between January and October of last year, Azerbaijan increased
its import of tomatoes from Turkiye by 419 times,
Azernews reports, citing the State Statistics

According to the information provided by the State Statistics
Committee, in 10 months, Azerbaijan imported 117.36 tons of
tomatoes worth 66.44 thousand US dollars from Turkiye. Compared to
the corresponding period in 2022, the value of imports increased
230 times.

The value and volume of tomatoes exported by Turkiye to
Azerbaijan during the reporting period are 11 times and 11.4 times
higher than the value and volume of tomatoes exported in 2022,

According to the Southeastern Anatolia Exporters Union of
Turkiye, the country’s tomato export in 2023 increased by 42.8 %
compared to 2022 and reached 538 million 724 thousand US

During the mentioned period, 588,418 tons of tomatoes were
exported to 52 countries, including Romania, Ukraine, Poland,
Germany, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Great Britain, the Seychelles,
Russia, Denmark, Spain, Azerbaijan, Italy, Qatar, Kazakhstan,
Estonia, and France.

Among the countries to which Turkiye exported the most tomatoes
in the previous year, Romania ranked first. The previous year,
tomatoes worth 91 million 983 thousand dollars were imported by
Romania from Turkiye. Following Romania, Russia, Germany, Poland,
and Ukraine were also listed in the ranking.

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