Azerbaijan Considers Options for TRNC Flights

An Azeri official called Turkish Civilian Aviation General Management on the phone and expressed Azerbaijan’s interest in organizing direct flights to Ercan Airport in TRNC. In case TRNC is not recognized and direct flights are not possible, the official proposed routing Baku-Ercan flights through Ankara.

Civilian aviation officials confirmed the conversation and said, "In case an official document is sent to us, we can allow for the 5th traffic right, which means a plane can go to any country via Turkey." Diplomatic sources state that the government affirmatively considers such an initiative could mean TRNC’s indirect recognition by Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan Airlines Ankara Representative Ferit Ibrahimov informed that he had not heard that Ercan Airlines would be used. "This is the first I have heard of it. I was not aware of such a proposal," he said.

Meanwhile, the Communication Ministry is working with the Foreign Ministry to prepare an initiative that will be sent to International Civilian Aviation Organization (ICAO). The proposal calls upon ICAO to lift the embargo on Cyprus.