YTP to merge with CHP

Speaking at a joint press conference with CHP leader Deniz Baykal, Cem said the day was a great day due to Baykal’s efforts.

Baykal visited Cem at YTP headquarters on Saturday where they said they were considering merging the two parties under the CHP banner. On Sunday, Cem repaid Baykal’s gesture by visiting CHP headquarters with YTP executives and discussed the matter during a 45-minute meeting.

Cem said he was sure they would be reading the CHP national program in Parliament as a government program.

He said the YTP believed joining the CHP was just a first step towards social democracy becoming the creed of the government.

Baykal, speaking at the same conference, said with the merging of the CHP and the YTP, they were fulfilling the hopes of the country, adding that neither party had ever tried to practice ordinary politics. They had both always practiced a very clear policy with very clear objectives.

Baykal said this was a very important occasion, and would create many unforeseen opportunities.

Baykal said social democracy was the way for Turkey, adding that every other option had failed to provide lasting answers to national problems.

He said he believed unification would bring forth a new and brighter future.

After the conference, Cem handed a letter to Baykal, which noted that both leaders had been in active politics for over 40 years, working for the same objectives, despite being respective parts of different political movements.