You are the citizens of TRNC nobody can change that”

The Muhtar of Dipkarpaz and the Head of the Karpaz Region Activists Committee Emin Gungor was leading the group. Enver Dincoglu, Chairman of the Turkish Refugees Rehabilitation and Solidarity Association was also present at the meeting.

“If necessary we can be live shields” speaking at the meeting Emin Gungor said “we are for a situation without any concessions in land ad sovereignty issues. No agreement can be signed that might lead to separation from the homeland”. He expressed full support for president Denktash. The muhtars of Dipkarpaz said they would do everything keep the state alive until the eternity”. “We are ready to act as live shields for that purpose if necessary” he added.

The elections

We cannot have an organ in power not ready to work with the President. We shall give a lesson to the people asking for a foreign mandate. We shall not let the people come to prior who show disrespect to our honor and go a wait at the doors of the Greek dignitaries visiting the South”.

“We are not refugees; we are citizens-Cevikel criticized”

Gungor rejected the description of refugees used for them “we are TRNC citizens of Turkish origin living in the island for the past 30 years, he said. Referring to Cevikel’s Refugee Organization, Gungor said, “there can be no Refugee Organization where is no refugees”. We didn’t give him the right to represent us. He’s all alone. Let him return and apologize. We are ready to welcome him back and pardon him”, he added.

“Our representatives are the President of the government, the Commander of the Turkish Peace Forces, the Commander of the Turkish Security Forces and the Turkish Embassy”, said Emin Gungor.
You are the citizens of TRNC, nobody can change that

Speaking after the Muhtar, President Denktash soothed him and said don’t worry about this or that description about your position. Vasiliu, a Greek Cypriot politician once described the Turkish Cypriots as 400-year old guests “you are the citizens of TRNC and nobody can change that. Be conscious of that fact and don’t spoil your peace”, said Denktash.

The President repeated his views about the Annan Plan and added that it was the Greek side that demanded the acceptance of the Plan and the EU membership under it.

History will never forgive the EU

President Denktash refereed to a statement by Hristophias, AKEL Secretary-General and the President of the Greek Assembly which said “we are against the EU, but, we accepted to become a member as a matter of concession for nationalistic reasons”. Denktash said “their National case was Enosis; now; it’s no longer Enosis but Enosis in a recent about way”.
Turkey has rights here. There are matters of balance both internal and external. That’s why both Taksim and Enosis were prohibited at the time of establishment of the partnership Republic. In other words, Cyprus cannot be a member where Turkey is not.

“It was wrong of the EU to accept the unilateral application of Cyprus for membership of the island”, said the President.

“In this way they acted against the international agreements and abused the human rights. History will forgive those who perpetrated that injustice”, added the President.

Together with Turkey

President Denktash said they have been defending the Cyprus case in accordance with the principles set out with Turkey. He rejected allegations that he was putting up obstacles to Turkey’s relations with the EU. “Are we expected to give up work or turn against Turkey just because certain journalist said so? Asked the President, and replied “No. We shan’t do that. We shall continue on our way with Turkey had in hand as before.”

Vote for the nationalist in the elections

President Denktash described the December elections as of great importance and had his to say about them:

These elections will not be a contest between those who demand EU membership and those who are for peace and those who don’t want peace. There is no one who doesn’t peace. The contrast will be between those who say the Greek Cypriot is not my government, I have my state, I am not a member of a minority. I don’t move from here to there without Turkey and those who are ready to go blindfolded”, said the President. “The whole world is waiting for the elections, they are hoping a win for the opposition “said Denktash and continued his address thus:
“You might be angry with the government. There might be injustices here and there but the account of them should not be settled at these elections. Because these elections are going to be between those who are coming forward to stand up as masters of their won house refusing the Greek yoke and those who toe the Greek line and turn back to Turkey vote for the nationalists. I do not give names work for the nationalists, don’t incline towards their opponents”, he added.

President Denktash talked about the great welcome he received at his numerous visit to Anatolia “there, everybody says don’t give up what’s taken” he said. The event came to an end with President Denktash mixing with the visitors, exchanging greeting. Some were seen asking about his health and kissing his hand. He also posed for a snapshot with some of the visitors.