Yakis: There Is The Danger That The West Would Attempt To Call Turkish Army In Cyprus Invader

Noting that the EU countries would attempt to call the Turkish Army in Cyprus ”invader force” if the Greek Cypriot side joined the EU as the representative of whole island, Yakis said, ”there is such a danger and possibility. I said that this should not be allowed.”

Wher recalled of opposition party Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Deniz Baykal’s reaction to his words, Yakis said, ”if Mr. Baykal reacted to my words, I advise him to read my statement once again.”

When asked whether his words had been misunderstood, Yakis said, ”I don’t know. I don’t say that ‘the Turkish Army is going to be an invader force’. I say that ‘they are going to claim it’. It is wrong to call the Turkish Armed Forces an invader force in Cyprus. It won’t be realistic if we ignore such a possibility.”

Yakis said that he had discussed the issue with Justice and Development Party (AK Party) leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Meanwhile, Erdogan did not answer questions of reporters about Baykal’s statement.