World Talks about Turkey, Supports Progress Report

EU Term President the Netherlands informed, "The impartial decision that will be made at the December summit will be based upon the findings of this report."

The Netherlands added that the reason no date was given for the start of negotiations was because Turkey still had some deficiencies that needed to be addressed.

The US administration meanwhile disclosed that it was satisfied with the report.

German Chancellor Gerhard Shröeder repeated his support for a date to begin negotiations, and said he found the report "fine and serious".

Elsewhere, French President Jacques Chirac insisted that Turkey’s accession could take at least 10-15 years if EU members reach a consensus to start the negotiations. He also repeated his view on conducting a referendum on Turkey’s full membership.

On the other side, British Prime Minister Tony Blair gave strong support to Ankara. British Foreign Affairs Minister Jack Straw added that the "EU should keep its promise now."

Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen found the report "deliberate but positive".

The Italian government signified that the report would ease the process of giving a negotiation date. "The Italian government will continue to implement its duty on the issue."

Greece, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Slovenia also strongly supported Ankara’s membership.

Austrian Prime Minister Wolfgang Schuessel warned Europe not to close its doors to Turkey.