World Condemns, Israel Strikes

Israeli tanks killed five Palestinians in the Brazil neighborhood of Rafah refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Helicopter strikes at the Camp added two more Palestinians to the death toll, while Israeli soldiers killed a 13-year old boy in the West Bank.

A resolution accepted by 14 of the 15 members of the U.N. Security Council -the U.S. abstained- called upon Israel to respect international law. Israeli officials, primarily Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, emphasized that the Rafah operation will continue despite the world’s condemnation.

Even Turkey showed a harsh reaction to the Israeli operation. Prime Minister Erdogan stressed that the attacks bordered on state terror and invited state presidents and prime ministers to join in solidarity against the Israeli attacks.

With the adoption of the resolution of condemnation, the U.N. Security Council called upon the parties to meet their responsibilities within the framework of the Road Map for Peace. While, the Palestinian administration announced it would be pleased to resolve the issue, Israel’s Ambassador to the U.N., Dan Gillerman, said that the decision does not envisage halting demolitions and thus, Israel will continue razing Palestinian houses. Gillerman also expressed disappointment with the U.S. abstention since the U.S. had always protected Israel in the past by vetoing resolutions unfavorable to Israel.

Meanwhile, following the U.N. decision, the White House issued a statement that the Israeli attacks make the situation in the region more difficult and they do not serve for security and peace. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said that the bloody Israeli operation buried the peace process.

Elsewhere, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan emphasized that Israel has a responsibility to provide protection for the civilians. He added that the demolitions make the conditions harder for the Palestinian population that has become homeless as a result of the operation. In a statement earlier this week, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinians announced that since the beginning of May, 191 houses belonging to Palestinians in Gaza have been demolished and 2,200 people have been left homeless.

Egyptian President Husnu Mubarak called for the immediate intervention of the Middle East Quartet. Human Rights Watch underlined the fact that the Israeli operation violates international laws and therefore the demolitions qualified as ‘war crimes’.

Amnesty International also added its voice to those demanding that Israel halt the demolitions. Four Israeli human rights organizations submitted a petition to the Israeli High Court, calling for an immediate investigation into the murders committed by Israel.