These two countries use similar justifications and methods for attacks. Both Israel and the US stated that they had launched these bloody attacks in order to ‘destroy terrorists’ and ‘ensure security’ in the region. The two latest attacks show once again that Israel and Washington act according to a unilateral strategy developed on this basis. This means that both US President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon seem to be determined to continue their policies and completely ignore those who disagree. In fact, Bush is continuing his strategies and methods in spite of opposition inside the US and protests from his allies outside. Similarly, Sharon isn’t changing his policy towards Gaza in spite of domestic opposition and international condemnation.

Another similarity between the policies is that both are bogged down in their respective occupations and don’t know how to get out. Washington is facing growing resistance in Iraq and looking for an exit. However, there is little hope to be found. Sharon once planned to leave Gaza, but gave up this idea due to pressure within his own party. How will this vicious circle of violence and revenge be broken? Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent call on world leaders is appropriate and timely. Will the international community take this into consideration and adopt a common political stance? When will both Bush and Sharon understand that their policies are leading nowhere?”