
What’s behind the recent ethnic violence in Ethiopia?

Video Duration 25 minutes 10 seconds

From: Inside Story

More than 200 Amhara people were killed in the Oromia region last weekend. 

Ethiopia is one of the most ethnically diverse nations in Africa. It also has the second-largest population on the continent.

But in recent years, the country has struggled with rising ethnic-based violence and tension. Hundreds of civilians were targeted by armed men in the Gimbi district of Ethiopia’s Oromia region, in an attack that began on June 18.

Witnesses said most of the victims belonged to the Amhara ethnic group.

The mass killing has shocked the nation and once again brought global attention to Ethiopia’s political and humanitarian crisis.

So how will the government prevent such attacks?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra


Bizuneh Getachew Yimenu – Lecturer in comparative politics at the University of Kent

William Davison – Senior Ethiopia analyst at the International Crisis Group

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