What does the summit promise ?

Probably at the summit it will be decided to restructure NATO and orient the West around a new model. This new structure and concept can be summed up as follows: Generally, considering the areas and values outside Europe, calling terrorism from the south and east as the chief threat, and re-working NATO not as a defending force for Europe, but rather an intervening force.

What does this possible development mean? What might be its results? Firstly, Europe, particularly Germany and France, would fall into line on US policies, and this situation means that Europe wants to act within the framework and structure drawn by the US our of fear of being excluded from US plans. In addition, such a development would make ‘conflict of civilizations’ all too real. Likewise, the distance between on the one hand such countries as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which chose not to participate in the Greater Middle Eastern Initiative (GME) at the recent G-8 summit, and the Western world on the other is growing daily. The possible ‘new consensus’ reached at the NATO summit will exacerbate this. Finally this probably won’t solve such basic problems as poverty and global inequality which plague the world. Such a decision will not balance the imbalance in the world with civilian political initiatives, but control them with a public security order.

Morevoer, it would be wrong to define Turkey’s situation as a ‘deadlock.’ This would turn Turkey into one of the forces intervening in the Islamic world and the south through and together with the West as part of NATO. For this reason, Turkey doesn’t object to this structuring, but instead argues that the way to ensure integration among NATO members and solve its problems should be through the UN and non-governmental organizations. I hope Turkey’s situation and the consensus it will establish with European countries will create a basis for positive developments at the end of the summit. So, the summit will be a historic summit, and maybe it will even usher in a new era.”