
What does Blinken’s Middle East visit hope to achieve?

From: Inside Story

The trip comes at a time of increasing tension with at least 30 Palestinians being killed by Israeli forces so far this year.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting Israel and the West Bank on a trip to the Middle East beginning in Egypt.

It’s his first to the region since a new far-right government came to power in Israel and comes just days after Israeli forces killed yet more Palestinians in Jenin refugee camp in occupied West Bank.

What is Washington’s role in the worsening conflict?

And what wider challenges does the Biden administration face in the Middle East?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom


Jehad Abusalim – Education and policy associate, Palestine Activism Program at the American Friends Service Committee.

Gideon Levy – Writer and columnist, Haaretz newspaper

Julie Norman – Associate professor in politics and international relations, University College London.

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