"We work for the marriage of EU and Turkey."

Met by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul, Berlusconi conversed with Gul for a while in the Guest Lounge of the airport. After going to the Italian Embassy residence, Berlusconi rested and changed his clothes. Berlusconi then arrived at Lutfi Kirdar International Conference and Exhibition Centre at 17:30, entered and walked over to the Rumeli Salon where the ceremony was being held. Berlusconi ascended near Erdogan who was waiting on a stage. There, the two Prime Ministers hugged and kissed each other. Later, Erdogan and Berlusconi received applauses from enthusiastic waving guests. During Berlusconi’s entrance to the Rumeli Salon, an aria by famous Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti was played. For Berlusconi’s visit, Istanbul Security took every precaution. The foreign press also showed great interest in Berlusconi’s visit. The Associated Press (AP), Italian Television Channel RAI, and several Italian newspapers also followed the Prime Minister.