We Will be in Northern Iraq As Long As PKK Exists

However, Gul did state that should the US come forward with a possible demand in the future, this would be separately taken into consideration.

Gul felt that a leading role should be given to Turkey in the reconstruction of Iraq and pointed out that the most pressing issue was what the US would do to fight against the PKK in Northern Iraq.Gul added that he did not believe the US administration had any intention of making Turkey wait for concrete steps in this matter. Gul: EU is Wrong on Cyprus Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Gul asserted that the European Union (EU) has made a mistake on the Cyprus matter with the Strategy Document included in the European Commission’s progress report on Turkey. "Here EU made a mistake. You see how the political atmosphere is affected. They should have known that," said Gul. Gul said the Turkish and Greek sides in Cyprus should meet after the December 14th elections and that a solution to the Island’s problems was the responsibility of both sides.However, Gul added: "There are things required by the Turkish side, and of course, also by Turkey. We are also a part of the matter." Gul reminded that a strong anti-Turkey lobby existed inside the EU and pointed such issues as the demand for the inclusion of the letters q, w, and x in the Turkish alphabet. This was but a source of conflict, Gul said, and he added, "If they demand ‘q, w, x’ then I demand, ‘ü, s, and ç’."