We may go to the UN over Cyprus: Gül

Speaking on private television station NTV, Gül said if the Greek Cypriots did not vote for reunification, Turkey could ask the UN Security Council to consider lifting the embargo on the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
It would be a matter of asking the UN what else Turkey and the TRNC could do if the Greek Cypriots rejected the reunification, he said.
However, before that possible step, should the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot delegations not be able to reach a compromise in their talks and both Greece and Turkey would enter the negotiation process, Gül said.
Any such talks would be at the highest levels, the Foreign Minister said.
“The quartet meeting may be held in the level of foreign ministers firstly and then in the level of prime ministers,” he said.
Gül said he did not foresee any difficulties the negotiations due to the change of government in Greece.
The former enmities between Turkey and Greece have been replaced with mutual confidence and dialogue, he said
While there were still some problems between the two countries, there has been major progress made through by mutual good will and confidence-building efforts, Gül said.