"We have started a big struggle to end isolation policy"

Speaking at the demonstration which was held to celebrate May Day, Talat said that they carried out a big struggle and they would continue their struggle until Cyprus was reunited.

Talat said, "in the end of this struggle, we have proved to our friends and enemies that Turkish Cypriots are full of love of peace, feeling of brotherhood and they want to reunite the island, not to divide it."

"However an incident happened and our struggle is not completed," noted Talat.

Talat said that they would continue their struggle until peace was restored, solution was found and the country was reunited.

TRNC and Greek Cypriot side voted United Nations (U.N.) Secretary General Kofi Annan’s plan for a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem in simultaneous referenda held on April 24.

Sixty-five percent of Turkish Cypriots voted "yes" to the Annan plan while 35.09 percent voted against the plan in the simultaneous referenda. A total of 75.83 percent of the Greek Cypriots said "no" to the plan while 24.17 of them voted "yes."

The rate of participation in the referendum was 84.35 in TRNC and 96.53 percent in the Greek Cypriot side.