We Forgot About the Sack, Very Quickly

550 Turkomans will elect their new leader in the three-day congress. Turkoman Front leader Sanan Ahmet Aga did not run for the elections.

Sadettin Ergenç, Faruk Abdullah and Nevzat Teymur announced their candidacy. Kurkik’s Kurd Governor said, it was U.S. that provided security. He said: "We have to support this democracy provided in Iraq. We have to work all together for a new and democratic Iraq. Let us make use of the richnessess of Kirkuk, all together. "

Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul also sent a message to the Congress, saying that "The Iraqi nation is preparing a new future for itself. I hope that peace, order and stability reigns in Iraq. Turkomans must act in unity. They have always been at the forefront in modernization. Iraq and Turkey are important for each other."

The Raider Was not There

Colonel William Mayville who had ordered the raid on the office of the Turkish forces on July 4, did not join the congress, on a tip-off about a suicide raid.