We don’t want this mentality or these people

The person that is the secretary-general of Turkish Public Worker’s Labor Union (Kamu-sen) appeared on live television and ripped the report into bits. The chairman of the advisory board Professor Ibrahim Kaboglu did not lose his self-control when confronted with this rude behavior and listened to the person quietly. In it was in the past, you can be sure that chairs would have been flying and this meeting on human rights would have devolved into something quite inappropriate for the occasion.

While Fahrettin Yokus was ripping apart the report, forcing us to remember events from the Motherland Party (ANAP) — True Path Party (DYP) times, a person called Abdullah Buksur, who was said to be the president of the Turkic World Human Rights Association, appeared and shared with us his wisdom (!).

We watched a primitive incident.

This scene played out by these people did not disappoint those who worked very hard in order not to see such behavior again. Just the opposite, this boosted their efforts by showing how much more they needed to work to stamp out such behavior.

These two representatives of associations are not criticized because they oppose the opinions stated in the report. They are criticized because of their tendency to use force and primitive conduct. The same individuals could have aired their opinions or released a statement during or after the press conference. No one would have said anything against them. However, their conduct showed how far they were from understanding what the concept of human rights really meant.

We don’t want this mentality or these people.

Who do you think will win? Bush or Kerry
When we wake up this morning, we may learn who won the United States presidential elections. I say we may because both contenders entered the voting very close. I have no idea what will happen overnight. We may again get the results after a court ruling or after a recount.

If George W. Bush is reelected, those in Ankara may feel relieved. They will continue to work with a person whose policies and attitudes they know.

If John Kerry is elected, Ankara may first face certain obstacles, but eventually will fine tune its policies and get along with him too.

We should not assess the change of administrations in Washington only from a Turkish perspective. This election is very important in the international arena.

If President Bush remains in the White House, the anti-U.S. attitudes and distrust of U.S. motives will continue around the world. No matter how much Bush changes his policies, his intentions will always be watched with great distrust.

If Kerry is elected, there may be np major policy changes, but the U.S. will begin to win the trust of the world.

Actually, what I really want to know is who do you think should become the next U.S. president.

Happy birthday Demirel
We never take care of our retired politicians.

I find it natural for those flatterers surrounding them to disperse once a politician retires, but I fail to understand, who should know about respecting fellow human beings, to show the same disregard.

When I read reports of former, prime minister, former president, Suleyman Demirel, turning 80, I immediately wanted to congratulate him. Later, I decided to put it in writing.

Demirel worked very hard for this country, You may not like him or you may be very critical of his conduct, but you should give credit where credits due. I also criticized him from time to time, objected to many of his policies, but never ignored how much good he did.

Demirel is a politician that personally saw the facts of the Cold War and today’s changing world and is one of the few politicians that influenced the outcome. His experiences are very valuable.

I wish some people were utilizing them.

Happy birthday sir.