We are ignorant, but the EU is even worse

Let’s first start with Turkey.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that some of the statements made by those who "guide" the country are just examples of their ignorance.

They don’t know and I believe they have no intention of learning anything. They just come out to say something critical. When they start speaking, it becomes certain that they have not read the commission report at all. They are happy with just reading the newpspaers and listening to rumors.

Just a few examples:

They say:
The negotiations are open ended. However the third paragraph of the report clearly says that the negotiations will eventually end with membership.
The movement of people will be limited. However the report says that this is open to debate and can be applied only in extraordinary situations.
The negotiations can be suspended anytime. However, the only reasons why the negotiations could be suspended are a military coup, a threat to the secular system and ignoring reforms.
Kurds and Alawites are considered minorities. However, the statements on minorities were removed from the report.
And many more.

Some come up and say that the EU is asking for the abolishment of the Religious Affairs Directorate. Another one claims that the call to prayer from mosques will be stopped.

European ignorance is even worse
And then there is the ignorance in Europe. The difference is that when a report is released, they read it before speaking.

You sometimes meet people at conferences and debates who are just plain unaware. They still talk about Turkey the way it was a decade ago and are plainly anti-Turkish.

In a few meetings, I just couldn’t resist and said, "No matter what you say, Turkey will get what it deserves."

Later, I was ashamed of my outburst. Instead of trying to persuade the other side, I had simply reacted. I showed them that I was not a European.

Even though some of the European ignorance is based on anti-Turkish attitudes, some of it is caused by our failure to inform them. As long as we insist on talking to each other, we cannot complain about other’s failure to understand us.

Commission report is not a holy book
There is a weird attitude that is held by our people. They seem to think that the EU Commission report is like a holy book that cannot be changed. It appears they believe that we need to fulfill every word of the report.

No. The commission report is not a holy book. It is open to negotiation and can be changed.

Commission reports are documents that include all their observations. Some parts should be taken very seriously compared to others. Certain opinions may be very hurtful.

However, none of them are fixed. It’s not like they are God’s commandments.

The articles that include EU laws and regulations are the ones that need to be taken into account. These are called the EU acquis. Every new member needs to approve them without any change. You don’t need to approve the opinions listed in the report.

You just say "no" and sit down to negotiate.

I don’t know why this misperception persists.

Turkey needs to be proud and believe in itself.