
Watch: Hero bus driver saves child with Heimlich maneuver in Turkey | Loop Trinidad & Tobago

A hreo bus driver in Malata, Turkey, sprang into action when a toddler began choking while he was on duty. 

According to th Associated Press, the the incident occurred on a public bus travelling on the Elemendik container city route in the evening hours of October 24 in Malatya, Turkey.

The dramatic incident was recorded on the bus’ security camera. 

The two-year-old girl was travelling on the bus with her mother when she began to choke on a piece of chocolate she ate. 

Her mother tried to help her however the girl continued to struggle. 

The bus driver, Mustafa Baştuğ, noticed the situation and stopped the vehicle, then rushed to help.

Baştuğ then performed the Heimlich maneuver, a first aid technique using abdominal thrusts, to help the child expel the blockage. 

Thankfully, the two-year-old was then able to breathe. 

Baştuğ then gave the child a drink of water after her breathing returned to normal. 

See more information about the Heimlich maneuver here: 

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