The government is lurching about the Cyprus issue in terms of the following:

1) Contrary to the information received by Erdogan, there is nothing new in UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s plan.

a) The 47th and 48th paragraphs of the report, which was presented by Annan to the UN Security Council last April and accepted unanimously, is as same as the things written in his letter dated February 5, 2004.

b) In addition, the authorities which Annan will use in his letter and the request of referendum are the points which Erdogan delivered to him in Davos.

2) Finding it strange that Turkish side’s rejections weren’t included in the letter is not only credulity, but also ignorance. There aren’t Greek Cypriots’ rejections, either.

3) There is the date of May 1, on which the Greek Cypriot administration will become an EU member.

4) Being afraid of the referendum means fearing the nation.

5) Annan will listen to both parties and make his decision. In addition, now there is also the US so we can tell our intentions.

6) Erdogan should remember these three points:

a) The National Security of Council is not the decision-making unit, but the consulting unit.

b) If he’s afraid of local elections, it means he’s very narrow-minded.

c) The government stated its unwillingness for Mümtaz Soysal twice and clearly.

If Soysal takes place in Denktas’ delegation, this preference will become a meaningful answer for the question, ‘Who’s the boss’?”