US Presses Syria Over Iraq, Lebanon

"Syria must end its interference in Lebanese internal affairs, withdraw its forces from Lebanon and allow the Lebanese armed forces and government to establish their authority throughout Lebanon," William Burns, US Assistant Secretary of State said after meeting Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus Saturday, September 11.

The UN Security Council has adopted earlier this month a resolution, put forward by the United States and France, demanding the withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon and non-interference in the Lebanese presidential elections.

In blunt talks with Al-Assad, Burns urged the Syrian government to secure the Syrian-Iraqi borders to help restore security into the war-torn country.

"Syria should not be used as a platform to undermine Iraqi stability," he said, Agence France Presse (AFP) reported.

"We emphasized in particular the political importance of supporting the Iraqi government in its efforts to ensure stability and security."

Improve Relations

Burns said the Syrian government’s address of the US concerns would help improve ties between the two countries.

"If Syria takes action on these concerns, our relationship can take a very different course, with positive results for all sides," the BBC News Online quoted Burns as saying Saturday.

"The time has come for concrete steps… We stress that what is essential now is genuine progress not rhetoric."

The United States accuses Syria of harboring what it calls terrorists, developing weapons of mass destruction, and allowing foreign fighters into Iraq through its borders.

On Friday, December 12, US President George W. Bush signed into law the Syria Accountability bill which allows economic and diplomatic sanctions on the Arab country.

Syrian Welcome

For its part, Syria welcomed the US determination to enhance cooperation between them on Iraq.

"Syrian and American parties gave extreme priority and importance to the Iraq question, which was examined in detail and monopolized discussions," the Syrian foreign ministry said Sunday, September 12.

"The two countries agreed on "practical and tangible measures so that experts from both countries can, in cooperation with Iraq, reach the objective of a stable and united Iraq," the ministry added.