"US may offer free-trade agreement"

WASHINGTON (AA) – US Congressman Kirk said that if there is progress in resolution of the Cyprus issue, then Washington could offer signing free-trade agreement with Turkey.

Known with his close ties with Bush administration and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Mark Kirk said today that the European Union didn’t behave Turkey kindly and if the US would offer a free-trade agreement to Turkey it would in favor of Ankara against the EU.

Kirk defended that for such a action the government in Turkish Cyprus had to change and a new leaders had to come to power and he offered Republican Turkish Party leader Mehmet Ali Talat’s forming the new government.

The Congressman added, “There is still a chance for a solution and it will be beneficial for Turkish-US relations.

We believe in that the EU doesn’t treat well against Turkey and the word of “Southeastern” is a proof of it. Of course Turkey’s membership will be a good thing for itself but it is discussed US’ offering a free-trade agreement Turkey.

As it was done with Israel. This will create jealousy and a competition will start between the US and the EU to be close to Turkey. This situation helps Turkey-EU relations to ease tension.