US, Israeli pressure on Syria decried

"There was a clear matter that Syria has been on the terrorist list, a state that hosts and supports terrorist organisations and that is internationally known. Thus, a state like Syria is a danger not only to Israel but to its neighbours and the world at large.

"The deal will upset the balance in international civil aviation not only against Israel’s aviation but aviation in general."

Ganour said Israel’s possession of nuclear facilities – such as the one at Dimona – could not be compared with the alleged threat such a change in the balance of military power might pose.

He said: "There is no comparison as there have not been any Israeli threats of any kind, to any Arab country."

Future talks

Syrian analyst al-Shuaybi said reports about the deal were highlighted to prevent future talks on the matter when Syrian President Bashar al-Asad visits Russia on 24 January.

"The visit might give Syria additional options, unacceptable to the United States in the current stage.

"There is a golden rule of politics, which is ‘necessity of choice’, which permits Syria to forge a set of international relations that could clash with the US position."