Ulker breaks into cola market

Cola Turka, which must challenge Coca Cola and Pepsi in Turkey, was introduced to the press at the Ciragan Palace yesterday. Ulker Group Chairman Taner Karamollaoglu said that they had produced their new product for the Turkish market to meet the demands of customers. Stating that they would open to the world market if there is demand, Karamollaoglu said the following.
"We have very strong and successful rivals in the Turkish market. The taste of Cola Turka is not much different from the taste of the leader of the market. We’ve not received a negative criticism so far. We can distribute the product all over Turkey now. I belive that our market share will grow beyond 25 percent in the near future."

Pointing out the importance of the taste of the product in the cola market, Ulker’s Sebnem Nasi said, "We presented Cola Turka to the customers before putting it onto the market and the result was very good. Some 80 percent of those who tried it liked it a lot. We belive it will be successful."

Ulker promotes Cola Turka with a humorous advertisement. The advertisements starring famous comedian Chevy Chase were shot in New York by Sinan Cetin. The films were shown on Saturday night on all TV channels at the same time. Some 63 Americans act in the film and they speak Turkish and English. The slogan of the advertisement films is "Those who drink Cola Turka become Turks."

Cola Turka is sold in 330-ml cans, 250-ml, 1, 2 and 2.5-liter bottles.