
Ukraine war latest: Overnight Russian attack struck less than 1km from NATO; Putin’s ‘interesting’ call with Turkish leader

President Zelenskyy has insisted that Ukraine is grateful for the support given by the West – but suggested Ukraine too deserves some thanks for holding Russia back.

Speaking at a conference of Ukrainian ambassadors, Mr Zelenskyy is reported to have said: “Ukraine knows how to be grateful and is grateful to every country, absolutely to all people, to every nation that helped us.”

“But our contribution to the common security deserves gratitude,” he added.

Mr Zelenskyy’s comments can be read within the context of several controversies sparked by senior international figures questioning Ukraine’s response to their help.

As we were reporting yesterday, a top Polish adviser suggested Ukraine should be more appreciative of the support Poland has offered over the years.

And last month, the UK’s outgoing defence secretary Ben Wallace said “whether we like it or not, people want to see a bit of gratitude”, when asked about Ukrainian frustration at not getting a formal invitation to join Nato.

Mr Zelenskyy later shot back: “How else can we show our gratitude? We can wake up in the morning and thank the minister. Let him write to me and tell me how to thank him.”

The Ukrainian president’s comments were labelled “sarcastic” by Vadym Prystaiko, who was sacked as ambassador to the UK days later.

But Mr Zelenskyy doubled down earlier today.

He reportedly said: “To stop Russia in restoring the empire is to save the freedom of the peoples who are in the access zone for Russian military columns.

“Russian military power, which was destroyed by the Ukrainians, will no longer kill in Europe, Asia or somewhere on other continents of the world.”

The Ukrainian president also called on his ambassadors to show caution when handling domestic politics in their host countries.

“Elections will be held in different countries in the coming months, which creates a certain difficult situation,” he said.

He added: “We need an understanding that overcomes any such political internal conjuncture.

“As ambassadors of Ukraine, you have to cool emotions when they rage too much in the politics of neighbours.

“To cool, but not to be dumb.”

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