
Türkiye, Poland and EU: Winds of sustainable energy cooperation

The European Union is witnessing transformative shifts in its energy landscape, driven by an escalating demand for renewable energy, with a particular focus on wind power. Türkiye, a nation uniquely situated as a bridge between Europe and Asia, emerges as a pivotal player in this energy transition. As a candidate country on the path to EU membership, the country’s role in the ongoing energy transformation is of immense significance and serves as a model for other nations.

This shared commitment to sustainable energy between the EU and Türkiye is underpinned by ambitious net-zero targets and the mutual pursuit of renewable energy sources, particularly wind power. The EU’s bold aspiration is to establish wind energy as its primary electricity source by the year 2030. However, this audacious goal is not without its challenges, with the wind industry grappling with disruptions in the supply chain and a heavy reliance on a single source for solar photovoltaic manufacturing.

To confront these obstacles head-on, a comprehensive wind package has been introduced. This package centers around six pivotal action areas:

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