
Türkiye Cross-Border Health Cluster Bulletin, October 2023 – Syrian Arab Republic

  • Hostilities in Northwest Syria: Idleb and Aleppo face increased shelling and airstrikes, leading to civilian casualties and displacements.

  • Casualty Statistics: At least 349 civilians injured, including 77 children, with over 120,000 people displaced.

  • Infrastructure Damage: 43 health facilities, 27 schools, and over 20 water systems damaged.

  • Training on SELF-HELP PLUS Program: Implemented by SRD in September 2023.

  • Healthcare Facilities: There are 198 primary health care facilities and 74functioning hospitals.

  • Mobile Clinics and EWARN Sites: 71 mobile clinics and 507 EWARN sentinel sites operational.

  • Cholera Outbreak: 168,999 suspected cases reported with a focus on preparedness and response.

  • Attacks on Health Care: 16 attacks recorded in September and October 2023.

  • Early Warning Alert and Response Network: High reporting completeness and timeliness in October 2023. Various diseases monitored and responded to, including AWD/cholera, meningities, AJS, and Hep A.

  • Health Cluster Action and Coordination: Meetings convened to discuss security impact, funding, and health service needs.

  • Public Health Risks and Gaps: Identified needs in oncology, cardiovascular services, medical waste management, maternity and pediatrics services, and specialized services, especially in Jarablus and Idleb.

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