“Turkish troops should deploy alone"

KIRKUK (AA) – “Iraqis love Turkey since it’s a Muslim country having historical ties with Iraq and also as it’s not an occupying force and rejected the resolution on allowing in US troops to base on its soil for the Iraq war,” the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy Turhan Comez, who is currently carrying out his contacts in Iraq on sending Turkish troops said today.

Stating that as Turkish delegation, they have seen the cruel side of the war in the rest of Iraq, Comez said that the people are really in pain since they cannot receive electricity, water and oil because of the non-operating facilities.

Stating that they have arrived in Kirkuk in order to ease the pain of Turkmens, Comez said, “We have visited Turkmen families. We have told that Turkey wants peace and welfare in this region. All the Iraqis, including Kurds, Shiites and Arabs say that if Turkish troops deploy on this soil, they should come alone and not with the US. They should be deployed on a different region. They should solve our problems and take care of the Iraqis. Turkish troops must not be occupiers. Their commanders have to be Turks.”

Echoing Comez, AKP deputy Cevdet Erol said that the Iraqis are against the occupant US soldiers.

Stating that Iraq people are in favor of the arrival of the Turkish troops to Iraq on certain conditions, Erdol said that the Iraqis accept Turkish soldiers only in a certain zone.


Prime Minister Erdogan said the negotiations with the tribes in Iraq still continue and the results to be gained after the meetings, would be determinative in sending troops to Iraq.

Stating that Turkey is evaluating the situation and not reaching a decision at present, Erdogan said, “Turkish troops would be accepted by Iraqis.”