"Turkish troops may be deployed in Tikrit or Al Anbar"

According to the briefing made by General Metin Yavuzyalcin, three possible zones of deployment are;

Salah Ad Din region, including Saddam’s hometown, Tikrit. Al Anbar’s Euphrates coast, Region north of Al Anbar.

Yavuzyalcin said that the number of troops deployed would be clear after the zone is defined.

A delegation will conduct investigations in the region after the zone is defined.

In the briefing it was specially noted that the decision to deploy troops was up to the government.

The correspondents were briefed about the recent developments and the following process in the negotiations with the US.

A senior Turkish general said on Monday Turkish troops deployed to help secure Iraq would respond if they came under attack by Iraqi Kurds who oppose their presence there.

The remarks could stoke tensions with U.S.-appointed Iraqi leaders on the Governing Council who oppose Turkey’s agreement with the United States to send troops to neighbouring Iraq.

When asked when Turkish soldiers would start working in Iraq, Gen. Basbug said determination of deployment region was important in this process, stating that studies on the issue continued with U.S. officials.

Gen. Basbug said determination of deployment region of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in Iraq belonged to government, stating that, "reconnaissance will continue after determination of deployment region, and technical talks will start. It will not be appropriate to announce a definite date."

Lieutenant General Metin Yavuz Yalcin, head of military operations of the General Staff, replying to a question which asked the elements that effected determination of deployment region, stated that military, logistic and supply roads were influential.

Gen. Basbug in his part said that they considered the issue from military point of view, stating that, "talks continue. We are within a process. We think that it is not appropriate to express the priorities."

Gen. Basbug said, "we will undertake the responsibility of a division sector. You may perceive this as division headquarters. This figure will become definite with the reconnaissance in deployment region."

Gen. Basbug said that participation to stability force in Iraq should not only be considered in military means, stating that related ministries and institutions would join this force in humanitarian aid means.