Turkish scientist wins R&D prize for a third time

The carbon plate becomes multi-functional by this nano-structure. With this improved technology, the size of carbon phases are decreased to 5-10 nanometers. One nanometre is one billionth of one meter.

Imitation of a real diamond
Prof. Erdemir stated that his invention could be seen as an artificial diamond and had the same characteristics as a real diamond. The invention is said to be used for several functions from storing of hydrogen and other gases to long term usage of materials in space modules. Prof. Erdemir also noted that he developed this technology with Prof. Dr. Michael McNalian from Illinois University and Prof. Dr. Yury Gogotsi from Drexsel University.

R&D Prizes
R&D Prizes are given each year to 100 scientists and institutes having a new invention throughout the world. This prize, known as the Nobel prize of applied sciences, is given by the R&D Periodical according to the decision of a jury selected from important scientists from all over the world.

Prof. Ali Erdemir
Prof. Dr. Ali Erdemir, who has continued his research at Argon laboratories near Chicago in the United States since 1987, graduated from Istanbul Technical University Department of Metallurgy in 1977. After working for two years in Iskenderun Iron and Steel Exploitation as an engineer, he went to the U.S. to study his masters and doctorate. After he finished his masters and doctorate at Georgia Technology Institute, he started working at Argon Laboratories of Chicago University and the U.S. Energy Ministry. Prof. Erdemir made Argon Laboratories the number one research center for Tribology and received many international prizes, including Discover prize — accepted as the Oscar of technology. He has gained patent rights for six of his inventions to date.