Turkish PM Gul Meets U.S. Secretary of State Powell

Diplomatic sources Gul pointed out that Turkey has same vision and targets about Iraq as the United States.

The same sources said that Gul stated, "Turkey’s targets and vision on Iraq are similar to those of the United States. Your success is our success. Your failure is our failure. However, there is a significant difference that we will continue to be in the region after you leave. So, it is very natural that we have deep concerns over the developments in Iraq."

Gul said Turkey’s interest in Iraq stemmed from geographical closeness, historical ties and kinship, noting that, "we request you to show more consideration for our concerns. Our interest is not only about a specific section or issue. We are interested in all issues related to Iraq. We believe that Turkey and the United States may make closer cooperation within the framework of Iraq."


"We know about Iraq well because of our experiences in the region," Gul said, stating that United States could make use of Turkey’s experiences.

At the same time, Turkey is an ally of the United States in the region so it should take into consideration Turkey’s observations, Gul said and noted, "We need better and more coordination. We are ready for it."

Underlining that presence of terrorist PKK organization in Iraq was an extremely important issue for Turkey, Gul told Powell that, "you also follow that PKK terrorist activities have increased again recently. Our people die. We have great expectations from you about the issue. Our people are extremely sensitive to this issue. We expect you to take concrete steps."


Expressing Turkey’s sensitivities about Kirkuk, Gul said, "Kirkuk is an important issue for Turkey as well as providing of peace and stability. People should be extremely careful and should not be provoked. We do not say this only for Turkmens but also for restoring of tranquility in Iraq."

Gul said status of Kirkuk should be determined soon not to pave ways for complications afterwards.

Gul also mentioned safety of Turkish truck drivers and Turkish workers in Iraq. Gul said the drivers were trying to bring welfare and help Iraq people.

"Those people help rebuilding of Iraq so safety of them is very important. Turkey has lost more people than the loss of the coalition members in Iraq. We carry out a vital business for you in Iraq. We expect you to increase your efforts in this respect," Gul said.

Meanwhile, Gul said although the steps taken by the United States about Cyprus were pleasing they were not sufficient, and expressed expectations of Turkey about additional steps by the United States.


Powell in his part said U.S. would continue to expend support to Turkey’s EU membership, expressing belief that Turkey’s membership to the EU was very important.

Powell said he had meetings with his colleagues in EU member countries, stressing that, "I am pleased to observe that all of them support Turkey’s membership." Powell said that all of them, including the Greek Foreign Minister said positive things about Turkey.

Powell thanked Turkey for the steps taken about Cyprus issue, and noted that those steps opened a very important perspective for the resolution of the problem. Powell said they were exerting efforts to award this willingness of Turkish Cypriots and would continue to do so.

"We understand your concerns over truck drivers," Powell said, stating that the United States needed the contribution of the drivers.

U.S. State Secretary emphasized that they were working to take better measures to protect those people.

Expressing understanding over Turkey’s concerns over Kirkuk, Powell said U.S. Ambassador in Baghdad John Negroponte was closely following the issue.


Powell said PKK issue was discussed various times with the Turkish side during the meeting, stating that he would discuss with the commanders and advisors what could be done about the issue.

Stating that also the United States wished further cooperation and coordination about Iraq issue, Powell showed coordination between Gul and him during Tal Afar crisis as an example. Powell said he would instruct the U.S. officials to improve coordination.

Powell also brought Sudan issue onto the agenda and stated that they would welcome Turkey’s aid regarding the issue.

Gul said Sudan was very important for Turkey, stressing that Turkey was trying to exert efforts unilaterally and through the OIC.