Turkish PM Erdogan to Make Case Before Verheugen

Verheugen’s spokesman, Jean-Christophe Filori, confirmed that the Erdogan-Verheugen meeting will take place tomorrow at 11.00 a.m.

Added Filori, "We really believe that we will hear the statement we expect from the Turkish Prime Minister."

This meeting is expected to soften relations between Ankara and the EU after last week’s fallout over the Turkish Penal Code (TCK) draft.

Erdogan’s visit to Brussels was the focus of the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) Central Executive Decision Committee meeting yesterday. The Prime Minister argued that European officials have been wrongly informed about the adultery issue.

Erdogan stressed that proposed regulation to criminalize adultery addresses a social issue, and he intends to persuade the EU officials in Brussels to come around to his point of view.