Turkish PM congratulates forming of govt in TRNC

Erdogan replied to questions of reporters about various issues after announcing 2010 tourism vision of Turkey and the government’s tourism policies and targets.

When asked his evaluation about the forming of government in TRNC, Erdogan congratulated the two parties and said that forming of government in TRNC was a good development, adding that he wished it would be a good beginning for Cyprus for the future developments.

When recalled that the United States warned its citizens not to go to Turkey, Erdogan said that the United States had made this warning not only for Turkey but for all places in the world. He recalled that Britain had made such a warning, but then lifted its warning.

Erdogan said that he would discuss and conclude this issue with U.S. President George Bush during his visit to the United States in the end of this month.

When a reporter said that Foreign Ministry caused difficulty for tourism agents by applying visa to citizens of some countries on the basis of reciprocity and asked whether they considered to ease visa procedures, Erdogan said that there were some sensitivities in visa procedures, but they were exerting efforts to ease the procedures.