Turkish Parliament passed sweeping human rights reforms

The lawmakers dropped an anti-terror law that had authorized prison sentences of up to three years in prison for speaking out in favor of Kurdish separatism.

The reforms also extended broadcasting rights in Kurdish to private radio and television channels. Turkey’s parliament last year allowed limited Kurdish broadcasts on state TV.

The state also dropped a prohibition against Kurdish parents giving their babies Kurdish names.

The ruling Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party has made EU membership a priority and has vowed to carry out reforms. EU nations will decide in December 2004 whether Turkey is ready to start membership negotiations.

The EU has said Turkey must reduce the military’s influence on politics before it can join. In a step in that direction, the lawmakers removed the military’s seat on a music and cinema censorship board.

Turkey’s staunchly secular military has carried out three coups and in 1997 pressured a pro-Islamic government out of power. It maintains a strong influence over national policy through its presence on Turkey’s National Security Council, a key advisory board.

Earlier Thursday, parliament ratified a Council of Europe agreement abolishing the death penalty. Parliament last summer outlawed capital punishment as part of its EU bid.