Turkish Mission in Iraq

The most important impression of the mission during its contacts in Baghdad has been that, the Iraqi public is disturbed especially by the behavior of the American soldiers towards Iraqi women. The fact that American soldiers do not take the traditions and beliefs into account and touch the body of women when they search them, disturbs the public. Therefore, the mission thinks that if Turkey decides to send troops to Iraq, these should also include female soldiers in order to serve in searching the women and determining the problems the women face in Iraq.

Shiites Oppose
There are those approaching positively to the idea of Turkey’s sending troops to Iraq, and those who are not, in every section of the Iraqi society. However, especially Shiites, that favor Kurds and Iran, state that they do not want to see Turkish troops in Iraq. Kurds worry that the spring in their relations with U.S. will end if Turkish troops come. Shiites think that Turkey will have an important influence in Iraq, if troops come.

UN Will Be Good
Those, who approach positively, to Turkey’s sending troops to Iraq, think that Turkish troops will tackle the problems of the Iraqi public. Nevertheless these people say that Turkish troops should not be perceived as being in cooperation with the U.S., therefore they should be sent under UN mandate.