Turkish FM: We Are Sending Troops

A compromise was reached on the issue of sending troops to Iraq, in the unexpected summit. The decision will be finalized in a state summit on Thursday, which President Ahmet Necdet Sezer will also attend. Thereby the decision will be of the state rather than the solely the government.

The President may combine his regular talks with the PM and the Chief of General Staff on Thursday and turn them into a tripartite summit. FM Abdullah Gul is also expected to attend the summit in which the issue of sending troops will be re-evaluated. A high-ranking official, who attended Tuesday’s meeting said, “We agreed that Turkey cannot remain indifferent to the developments in Iraq. Parliament will gather extraordinarily if necessary. Efforts will be spent to persuade the Justice and Development Party (AKP) group.”

A brief written announcement made by the PM’s office following the meeting, said that the meeting has been a preliminary evaluation over the recent developments in Iraq and the contribution of Turkey to stability in that country. Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said that what was happening in Iraq concerned Turkey and, “No doubt, the General Staff will make a risk analysis from a defense and military perspective. We are making these, from the political perspective.”

Will Parliament Gather?

On whether it is possible for Parliament to gather extraordinarily, PM Tayyip Erdogan said, “We will see. Necessary statements will be made when the time comes.”

In the summit, four conditions were taken up to send troops to Iraq:

1. Turkey should be influential not only in military but also in the political structuring.
2. No troops shall be sent to Baghdad before PKK is terminated.
3. Troops should be sent only upon invitation.
4. It is impossible to send troops before the regional countries are persuaded.