Turkish FM Gul returns from Kuwait

He had delivered a speech to the leaders of the participant countries and stressed, "let us form our own multilateral cooperation and security mechanisms."
Gul said, "we can form our multilateral cooperation mechanism with political determination. We have the ability to undertake this responsibility in times of change. We should have the courage to protect our own region. We should prepare ourselves to take new steps that would provide security in all our region. We should take necessary lessons from the war and clashes which Europe had done after two world wars."
He evaluated the meeting as clear, friendly, productive and fruitfull. He added, "There are still many problems and risks but everyone aware of that if everything gets worse, both Iraq and its neigbouring states will experience same difficulty. Everyone — UN, America, Iraq– notices which ones are rational or should be done. In this meeting, we expressed that UN must play more central and important role in political transition period in Iraq, adding neigbouring countries could make more contribution to Iraq."
Gul added that they hoped to see a free and democratic Iraq which provided its political unity and territorial integrity and living in peace with its people and neighbors.